Definition: Digital exclusion
Digital exclusion is experienced by people who do not have access to an appropriate digital device, an affordable or reliable internet connection or the right skills to be able to use digital tools. This means that people who are digitally excluded find it harder to integrate and thrive in society.124The digital divide - inequality in a digital world
The people who are most affected by digital exclusion are low-income groups, people in older age groups, and people who are marginalised within our society. There is a strong correlation between digital exclusion, social exclusion and levels of deprivation.125Digital Exclusion Index for Scotland’s Census 2022
Select the digital inclusion that each digital activity is associated with to understand more fully the benefits that digital inclusion can have on someone’s life.
Bridging the digital gap and connecting people digitally, especially those experiencing homelessness, supports their exit out of homelessness, their health, finances and well-being.