People who experience homelessness are some of the most digitally excluded in our society. It is important to connect people through digital devices and support them with digital safety.127Excluded from essential internet services: Examining associations between digital exclusion, socio-economic resources and internet resources

When people are experiencing homelessness and digital exclusion it can:  

Cost them more money! A poverty premium means that you must pay a higher price because you lack access and information about cheaper utility options and are unable to “shop around” or compare different services

Cause them distress if they are not able to communicate effectively due to language barriers

Isolate them even further from society as they are unable to communicate with their family and friends

Enhance their feelings of othering due to the lack of involvement in the digital world around them

Housing organisations are actively attempting to engage and encourage people experiencing homelessness to become digitally literate through projects and initiatives.  

Watch this video of Simon Community Scotland’s Programme Manager explaining the importance of connecting people with devices and empowering people to be online safely in this video.