Gambling is linked to mental health in many ways.
- Poor mental health as a driver ormotivation to gamble47Reconsidering the roots, structure, and implications of gambling motives: An integrative approach (
For someone experiencing poor mental health, gambling may be used to attempt to:
Manage or escape from negative emotions
"It helps me when I feel nervous or depressed"
Improve mood
"I gamble because it makes me feel good"
Unfortunately, people who gamble to escape or cope with negative emotions are at higher risk of experiencing gambling harm.
- Experiencing poor mental health as a risk factor for gambling harm
People experiencing some forms of poor mental health may be more likely to experience harm from their gambling, including:- Psychological distress48Problem gambling, associations with comorbid health conditions, substance use, and behavioural addictions: Opportunities for pathways to treatment | PLOS ONE
- Low mental wellbeing49Gambling with Your Health: Associations Between Gambling Problem Severity and Health Risk Behaviours, Health and Wellbeing | SpringerLink
- Depression50Does gambling type moderate the links between problem gambling, emotion regulation, anxiety, depression and gambling motives: International Gambling Studies: Vol 19, No 1 (
- Poor mental health as a result of gambling difficulties
People experiencing gambling harm are more likely to experience harms to their mental health including:- Low self-esteem
- Stress, anxiety, or depression
- Suicide51Gambling-related suicidality: stigma, shame, and neglect - The Lancet Public Health