Harmful gambling is more common among people experiencing homelessness – almost 1 in 5 people experiencing homelessness experience clinically significant harmful gambling (18%)1The Prevalence of Problem Gambling and Gambling Disorder Among Homeless People: A Systematic Review And Meta-Analysis | SpringerLink. This is much higher than the general population where 0.5% are said to be experiencing clinically significant harmful gambling.2https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/gambling-related-harms-evidence-review/gambling-related-harms-evidence-review-summary--2#results
Click through the slides to see how the relationship between homelessness and gambling is complex3Gambling and Homelessness: Prevalence and Pathways : UEL Research Repository:
The potential for life change can be a powerful motivation to gamble – a small win could be the difference between sleeping in a hostel or sleeping on the street. However, harms associated with gambling can have a profound impact on the person’s health, resources, and relationships.
At the moment, most gambling harm prevention and treatment services are not designed to address the challenges of people experiencing homelessness7Filling the GAP: Integrating a gambling addiction program into a shelter setting for people experiencing poverty and homelessness | PLOS ONE. Gambling is often hidden and is frequently overlooked by service providers8Gambling and homelessness in older adults: a qualitative investigation - Vandenberg - 2022 - Addiction - Wiley Online Library. However, people working in homelessness services are ideally located to identify people who might be experiencing harm and connect them to the most relevant support9Gambling and Homelessness: Prevalence and Pathways : UEL Research Repository.